Posts by niche

The Myth of ‘Modern’ Coastal Architecture & Building Design

I frequently overhear people incorrectly labelling new ‘futuristic’ or seemingly minimalist houses as ‘Modern’ although some might argue it is purely semantics the term ‘Modern’ when used in the context of architecture actually refers to a specific era in time known as ‘Modernism’ which occurred between the 1930’s and 1960’s so rather than employing ‘Modern’…

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Why renovation “reality” TV is the devil!

Armchair Architects* *This refers to untrained people drawing up house designs without training not furniture designers. Not only do they allow Scotty Cam and Shelly (whatever her name is) to fill the airwaves with absolute pointless dribble whilst glorifying the existence of self professed ‘designers‘ and ‘power couples’ (insert most recent season heros: Bazza and…

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