Posts Tagged ‘affordable house plans’
Australian architectural advice from an Austrian named Adolf*
“[Loos] imagined a future where the home designed by the architect would be familiar, comfortable and as culturally discrete as a well-made suit” (Macarthur, 2002). Celebrated Vienesse Architect Adolf Loos, proposed that a home should be designed for comfort alone and not to impress ones neighbours. “[Loos] imagined a future where the home designed by the…
Read MoreSunshine Coast House Design PREDICTIONS: Sustainable architecture Rant
DESIGN IN GENERAL: I envisage the future to be a dark place both on the Sunshine coast and the world in general, not dark in terms of some kind of gloomy spiritual presence or metaphorical cloud hovering over us but black in the sense of literal darkness it is going to be too expensive to…
Read MoreCoastal House Design / Architecture 101: Colour basics
Sunshine Coast architecture is there a definitive Sunshine Coast style of housing or unique local vernacular design? I guess not the closest thing to that would probably be to a certain extent -the ubiquitous single skin, skillion roof fibro beach shack, although not entirely native to the area it certainly is prevalent here and nowadays…
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